Simple Fat Burning Secrets

Get Fit

So, if you’ve been trying to get fit for a while, you’ve probably figured out that doing crash and fad diets or popping some kind of diet pill are not effective ways to lose weight and keep weight off for good. There are people everywhere telling you a thousand different things you need to do to burn fat and get in shape… the question is, who do you listen to? Well, lucky for you, we’ve put together some of the key fat burning secrets that’ll help you constantly burn fat and stay in shape!
Ready…? Let’s go!

Start The Day Right

You may think it’s a bunch of mumbo jumbo that starting your day off with some cardio can really help you burn more fat, but it’s true! No really, it’s true! By simply setting your alarm 30 minutes earlier than you would and getting active in some way… you will boost that metabolism at the start of the day and burn all day long, baby! You can ride your bike around your neighborhood, go jogging at the park, jog 15 minutes away from your house and 15 minutes back, or do 30 minutes of cardio in whatever way you prefer.

Drink Up, Baby!
One of the most effective ways to kick start your day (after your cardio, of course) is to drink up! Any mixture that has ingredients known to boost that metabolism will help you start burning more fat early in the morning. Mix together:

Apple Cider Vinegar+Water+Organic Apple Juice+Cayenne Pepper+Cinnamon
The apple cider vinegar and cinnamon reduce your hunger, so you won’t be starving and the cayenne pepper boosts that metabolism like crazy!

Eat, Eat, Eat

That’s right. Many “diets” tell you to not eat, starve yourself, or eat a LOT less than you should be and what is healthy. We are telling you to go ahead and eat up! By eating less or starving yourself, you are actually slowing down your metabolism, which is the opposite of what you want to happen. When your metabolism is slow, guess what? You won’t be burning much fat. Now, what to eat is what is key. Eat a ton of green vegetables, lean proteins, and include natural fruits to your diet.

Hydrate All Day Long

Seems basic, right? Drink water all day. However, tons of people are dehydrated and don’t even know it. In fact, many mistake their thirst for hunger and overeat. You should be drinking half of your body weight in ounces of water every single day. Staying hydrated is not only healthy, but it will allow fat to effectively burn all day. That’s what we want, isn’t it?

Fit It In

Fitting in a second workout isn’t as hard or time-consuming as you think. All it takes is 15 minutes to get in a quick ab workout or do some lunges and squats. Squat while you cook dinner… do abs while you’re watching your favorite TV show after work. You can fit it in… the question is, how badly do you want to?

